Bubbles (Buborékok)
From a deep blue sea
to a wide blue sky,
what it takes to fly is a life.
To the deep seafloor,
where a bubble’s born,
never reach the streams of light.
We had sprung up in the deep,
now floating in the sea,
where we’re drifting on waves and tides,
fluttering around the longing to be free,
we were told we’re meant to be,
only bubbles know how many times,
we wake memories to release
the power to rise.
As a bubble grows,
as a bead it glows,
scattering the light far and nigh.
To the surface soars,
as a raindrop falls
in an inverse world to the sky.
We had sprung up in the deep,
now floating in the sea,
where we’re drifting on waves and tides,
fluttering around the longing to be free,
we were told we’re meant to be,
only bubbles know how many times,
we wake memories to release
the power to rise.
We’re all afloat
all life long
rising to grow
burst and dissolve:
floating besides the sea,
leaving behind the water,
heaving an ocean-deep sigh,
(and) wispily flying high,
we are air up in the air,
not a bubble any more,
we are merging as we’re flying high,
fluttering around the longing to be free,
we were told we’re meant to be,
only bubbles know how many times,
we wake memories to release
the power to rise,
we wake memories to release
the power to rise.
még meleg utánad az ágy
pedig már meg is reggeliztél
még dobog utánad a szív,
pedig már nagyobb a csönd itt benn
ott kinn még őrzi bicskád élét
a fasori padnak a húsa
pedig már más nevét vésnéd rá föl,
ha egyáltalán -
hőtérkép az utca, amerre jársz;
messzire nézek és elképzelem,
hogy látom, amit te látsz,
meg-megugró lánc ismétli a neved
egy tandembicikli kerekén
jó lenne tudni, hogy vagy (hogy vagy?) -
csak most nehéz, így az elején...
nyomodat őrzi a világ,
őrzi a világ,
árnyékod körülírja a fény -
nyomodat őrzi a világ,
őrzi a világ
és a világban én
alakot így ölt a hiány
bennem így ölt a hiány:
árnyékod körülírja a fény -
alakot így ölt a hiány:
a hiányod,
és a hiányban én...
nyomodat őrzi a világ,
őrzi a világ,
árnyékod körülírja a fény -
nyomodat őrzi a világ,
őrzi a világ
és a világban én
here to come
when the sun comes up to the hill
and the dawn start stirring with love
when the birds wake up and the chill
dissolves with joy as they sing aloud
then mother earth joins to the music
her rhythm is the base of all
here we are, we share this world,
with this song we want to be heard
be heard
we are...
we are the sound of love
we are the sound of joy
we are the beat of the heart
we are the voice of the soul
let's celebrate the joy of love
in our tuneful way:
we are the sound of spirit,
chasing the blues away
when you're blue look up to the hills
though it's hard, i know how it feels
listen to the music all around,
the voices of birds in your heart resound
let them sing, sing out your soul
sing with you with the power of joy
never again never alone
no more blues (come on)
we are the sound of love
we are the sound of joy
we are the beat of the heart
we are the voice of the soul
let's celebrate the joy of love
in our tuneful way:
we are the sound of spirit,
chasing the blues away
várva várva
atomjaimra hullatsz,
hogy összerakj megint.
leülepedve, mint zacc,
még semmim sincs, kering
a múltamból a sok kép,
a sejtelmes jelen...
jön-e jövő, ha végképp
nyugtom meg nem lelem?
zivatarok porából
ha csillag lángja gyúl,
meteorunk a mából
egy új edénybe hull:
formába önt az élet,
mint frissen főtt teát -
úgy huny szemet felettünk
hogy lelkünkig lelát
before you fly home
your heart was the sun
my heart was the moon
our skies had met once
we thought we'd meet soon
planets turn around to see
the milky way we've cried
time has passed:
our skies fall apart
glistening fragments
fading in silence
dissolving regrets
praising existence
heavenly circles
captured in star trails
parallel life lines
meet at infinity
your heart was the space
for a million decades
waiting for something
to fill in
my heart was the time
not a single glimpse has passed,
not a moment without
me feelin':
glistening fragments
fading with silence
dissolving regrets
praising existence
heavenly circles
captured in star trails
parallel life lines
meet at infinity
thoughts we clarify
in aeternum
souls we purify
in aeternum
lives we pass by
in aeternum
whirling, swirling, glistening
thoughts we keep in mind
in aeternum
souls we bring around
in aeternum
lives that will resound
in aeternum
our love in spite of destiny
glistening fragments
fading in silence
dissolving regrets
praising existence
heavenly circles
captured in star trails
parallel life lines
meet at infinity
meet at infinity
meet at infinity
meet at infinity